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Whether this is the first show for your club/ organization, or the 20th.  We can all agree that the right tools make any job easier.


With Trophy Cloud the goal is not to eliminate paper, but to enhance the check in and judging process.  We can do this with organizing in stages what forms are given to your show participants, and what information is communicated and displayed on vehicles to your show participants and judges.


Stage 1


Your organization needs to establish a plan of action weeks before the date of the show.  This helps everyone to understand what jobs are needed and who’s doing it.  This includes:

  • Who will be registering participants utilizing Trophy Cloud for manual walk-ins, or assisting participants to download, setup as well as explaining the event joining process?

  • Who will be handling cash payments?

  • Who will be judging?

  • Who will be handling vendors?

  • Who will be doing trash detail?

  • Who will be doing crowd control/ security detail?

  • Who will be procuring event prizes? (Plaques, Trophies, Goodie Bags, etc.)  

  • What information will be communicated to the entire team so your club/ organization can communicate the same messages to your participant guests to avoid confusion.

  • What’s the backup plan?


Stage 2


Before your show, you should have a form that participants can complete and leave with their vehicle for your judges. Here’s example of what should be presented on that form that’s stays with your participant vehicle.

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • License Plate

  • Year

  • Make

  • Model

  • Classification(s)

  • Rules for judging (This would include what’s required to receive points.  An example would be; “Hood up and trunk accessible to receive potential point count.”)

  • Short description of how to download the app pointing to the website and ‘Download’ page which provides links to the either the ‘App Store’ or ‘Google Play Store’ depending on the device.  Direct any questions about the app to our Frequently Asked Questions page

  • Final Score


Stage 3


You should design your backup judging paper form along with points allocation that your team can communicate what’s being judged and how judging will be conducted.  The Trophy Cloud app will allow you to define your rating categories from 0 – 20 points each rating category.  It is recommended that this form not be presented to your participants as it may cause confusion along the registration process.  A participant may believe that your club/ organization is only doing paper judging.  You’ll use the app to judge and write the final score tallied in the app on that backup paper in the event of catastrophic failure.


Remember, the Trophy Cloud app can accommodate your classifications and ratings categories.  The more classifications and ratings categories, the more difficult it will be to manage your show. 


Try limiting competing classes to each production generation years in an all Make and all Model only show. 


Using the Chevrolet Corvette as an example.  Each bullet below represents a classification.

  • C1: 1953–1962

  • C2: 1963–1967

  • C3: 1968–1982

  • C4: 1984–1996

  • C5: 1997–2004

  • C6: 2005–2013

  • C7: 2014–2019

  • C8: 2020 (to commence)


Or your club/ organization can simply divide up your show classifications by foreign and domestic.  Or by decades or 'Old School' and 'New School' classifications with your team picking the cutoff year. 

Another common classification would be ‘Top 25’ or ‘Top 100’.  This involves the organization picking the “Top 25” or “Top 100” vehicles to award prizes gaining the highest point counts to up to 25 or 100 vehicles depending the expected size of your show.



An example of ratings categories for various vehicles can be seen below.



  • Interior

  • Exterior

  • Engine

  • Tires & Rims

  • Trunk

  • Accessories / Chrome coverings, Hood designs, LED Lights, etc.



  • Frame/ Paint

  • Tank

  • Seat

  • Fenders

  • Engine

  • Tires & Rims

  • Accessories / Saddlebags, Radio, Chrome Accessories, etc.



  • Interior

  • Exterior

  • Engine

  • Tires & Rims

  • Truck Bed

  • Accessories / Running boards, Lift Kits, Bed Liners, Tonneau Covers, etc.



Stage 4


Practice makes perfect.  It’s always a good idea to have a dress rehearsal a week or two before the show to simulate a show and try to put all stages into practice.


The Trophy Cloud Admin must open registration and judging before you can begin your event.


There are 3 workflows that most shows will use to primarily work from when checking in a participant for a show.  See below.


Check-in Flow 1


Workflow for show participant who has downloaded Trophy Cloud and setup a vehicle profile in 'My Garage' and ‘joined’ the event:


  1. Participant pulls in to join show.

  2. Participant is asked to pay show fee.

  3. Participant is given a receipt proving payment and payment is noted.

  4. Participant is asked to complete and return the show paperwork after parking. (Judging Form is NOT included.)

  5. Someone will guide the participant to a designated spot to park their vehicle allowing room for the participant door to fully open without touching another vehicle.

  6. App Registrar ask Participant if they have downloaded the Trophy Cloud app?

  7. If Yes, Participant is asked if they joined the event?

  8. If Yes, App Registrar will check in participant by scanning participant vehicle QR code in the ‘My Garage’ section of the app (or by license plate).

  9. Participant paperwork is completed and given to App Registrar with the required form left with the vehicle for the judge to take.


Check-in Flow 2


Workflow for show participant who has NOT downloaded Trophy Cloud and setup a vehicle profile in 'My Garage' and ‘joined’ the event:


  1. Participant pulls in to join show.

  2. Participant is asked to pay show fee.

  3. Participant is given a receipt proving payment and payment is noted.

  4. Participant is asked to complete and return the show paperwork after parking. (Judging Form is NOT included.)

  5. Someone will guide the participant to a designated spot to park their vehicle allowing room for the participant door to fully open without touching another vehicle.

  6. App Registrar ask Participant if they have downloaded the Trophy Cloud app?

  7. If participant has not downloaded the app.  Participant is asked to download the Trophy Cloud app for their device (Apple or Android) and setup vehicle in the ‘My Garage’ section. 

  8. Participant is asked to find and join the event (green button) your hosting in the ‘Events’ section of the app.

  9. Registrar will check in participant by scanning the vehicle QR code in the ‘My Garage’ section of the app (or by license plate) and ask them to park.

  10. Participant paperwork is completed and given to App Registrar with the required form left with the vehicle for the judge to take.


Check-in Flow 3


Workflow for show participant who CANNOT download Trophy Cloud and setup a vehicle profile in 'My Garage' and ‘joined’ the event:


  1. Participant pulls in to join show.

  2. Participant is asked to pay show fee.

  3. Participant is given a receipt proving payment and payment is noted.

  4. Participant is asked to complete and return the show paperwork after parking. (Judging Form is NOT included.)

  5. Someone will guide the participant to a designated spot to park their vehicle allowing room for the participant door to fully open without touching another vehicle.

  6. App Registrar ask Participant if they have downloaded the Trophy Cloud app?

  7. Participant cannot download the app due to technical difficulties.

  8. The App Registrar will manually walk in the participant using the app and taking at least one photo of the vehicle.

  9. Participant paperwork is completed and given to App Registrar with the required form left with the vehicle for the judge to take.




Once the all participants are parked, checked in, and forms are collected.  You should start the judging process 30-45 minutes after the final vehicle.  But no matter which check in flow above, all judging will be processed in the same manner.


  1. Judge arrives at the vehicle.

  2. Judge asks scan participant vehicle QR code in their ‘My Garage’ section of the app.  OR Judge can simply enter the license plate to begin rating a participant vehicle.

  3. Judge selects classification vehicle will be competing against.  If multiple classifications, judge must re-scan vehicle QR code in their ‘My Garage’ section of the app for each classification.

  4. Judge begins to evaluate each ratings category and points to award.

  5. Judge slides ratings to each designated value for that category.

  6. Once all ratings categories are completed, a judge can add a note for future reference in case of a point tie.

  7. Judge taps on the submit button.  A total score will be displayed. 

  8. The judge will remove the paper form from the vehicle and write down the score total on the form.

  9. Form will be presented to Registrar.


To get your event score totals, an admin judge will go into their ‘Profile’ section and tap on ‘Event Judge’, then ‘Accepted’, then '<Event Name>' and tap on 'Event Dashboard" with the desired classification if you have multiple classes. 


Vehicles that are not judged are display in red with no point totals in each classification informing judges and admin judges what's left.  Simply tap and hold for 3 seconds on a non judged vehicle allows a judge to review this vehicle and begin rating if the judge chooses to do so.  An admin judge can also edit a vehicle score of a rated vehicle in the same way (tap and hold for 3 seconds.)  Once all judging is completed, you should make sure all your scores where ties are available are rectified in order of prizes awarded.  Trophy Cloud allows Admin Judges to overwrite judges scoring so you want to limit the number of persons in your club/ organization with this functionality. 


Once all Judging is completed, the show admin can now close registration and ratings to begin announcing winners and award prizes.  This is done based on how a club/ organization is awarding prizes.  An example would be 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in a generation or decade classification. Or ‘Top 5’ or ‘Top 100’ vehicles etc.




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